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How Can Direct-to-Consumer Platforms Better Protect Their Exclusive Regional Content?


盗版行为呈上升趋势,盗版电影越来越多 增长了40% 在COVID-19大流行期间. Those looking for pirated content can find it just three clicks away. 随着广播行业变得更加分散, with more content than ever available across a multitude of services, 这个问题可能会变得更糟. 随着越来越多的流媒体平台上线, some consumers who want to enjoy a wide range of content are turning to piracy to avoid having to subscribe to the multiple services they would otherwise need.   

此外, new streaming platforms are increasingly staggering their launches, 在几个月甚至几年内进入不同的市场. As the average consumer doesn't like to wait and wants immediate access to the latest releases, the over-abundance of illegally obtained content and the ease of getting it has made piracy the inevitable outcome for far too many. 因此, consumer frustration at being unable to access highly anticipated content is acting as a driving force behind the growing volumes of piracy direct-to-consumer platforms are experiencing. This is demonstrated by the fact that research has found that pirated U.S. 电视节目收到 每年1260亿次观看绝大多数观众位于美国以外.S.. 因此, as more broadcasters and direct-to-consumer platforms make their content available to different regions at different times, 有时在美国上市后长达一年.S., they need to ensure they are able to protect their content from pirates.

After all, piracy is an extremely damaging phenomenon, costing the U.S. 独自一人几乎 每年损失300亿美元,导致56万人失业, while annual global revenue losses from digital piracy are between 40美元和97美元.10亿年 在电影行业. 它还会损害内容提供商的声誉, 因为盗版内容往往质量较差, resulting in that provider being associated with a poor consumer experience. 对于内容所有者和提供者, 赌注非常高, so how do they put a stop piracy and protect their content from being accessed illegally around the world?


Streaming platforms must protect their content by implementing a multiplatform piracy program covering video-on-demand streaming sites, proactive search delisting and cleaning the first two pages of popular search engines. They should also cover open source apps such as social media sites and Telegram, 后者是盗版内容的温床. OpSec安全 has identified for a multi-national streaming content provider that links to or illegal copies of 21% of their streams are showing up on social sites and Telegram, 点击量超过100万次. 另外, broadcasters should also monitor peer-to-peer networks such as BitTorrent and cyberlocker sites like DropBox to further reduce exposure to the spread of infringing content.

By covering all bases and ensuring they keep their regional piracy coverage current, broadcasters and streaming providers will be better able to protect their content and gain a more in-depth understanding of where and how it is being shared. Using antipiracy tools and working with the experts will help content owners to identify where their content is being shared and misused and enable them to immediately enforce on infringements and therefore stem the sharing of their content illegally. As some technologies are also able to pinpoint the source of the leaked content, it may also be possible for broadcasters and streaming providers to take legal action against pirates.


流媒体平台的另一个选择是地理屏蔽, 这是Netflix等公司青睐的一种技术, Hulu, YouTube, 和BBC iPlayer等等. 地理阻塞策略 restricts the availability of specific internet content to a geographical location 在流媒体之前,它是一种流行的反盗版方法, when media players prevented regional spillover by ensuring DVDs had restricted international distribution and could only be played in devices in the intended region. While the strategy has changed due to the lack of physical infrastructure, 前提还是一样的. 例如,现在,一个美国.S. resident accessing Netflix from the UK will have a different range of content available to them compared to somebody logging in from the U.S. While some users may be able to circumnavigate geo-blocking technologies through the use of VPNs, 这个方法是, 总的来说, 限制某些内容的可用性的有效方法, 哪一个可能是许可或版权问题. 除此之外, these content owners should work with trade associations such as MPA and ACE to take a united approach to tackling piracy.


近年来, 直接面向消费者的产品爆炸式增长, 错开发布时间表的倾向, 以及消费者多重订阅的成本不断上升, is resulting in increasing amounts of piracy—particularly as it has never been easier for even a novice internet user to find illegal or unlicensed content online. 目前,非法下载受版权保护的材料占据了市场 占全球带宽的近四分之一(24%)—a figure that is likely to increase due the overabundance of illegal or unlicensed content available to consumers online. 直接面向消费者的内容所有者面临如此多的风险, 最明显的是收入损失, reputation damage due to consumers viewing downgraded copies and job cuts, 至关重要的是,他们将保护措施落实到位,以减轻风险, slow it down and ultimately divert those looking for pirated content to legitimate services. It is only by working with the right partners and implementing antipiracy tools, that direct-to-consumers platforms will be able to turn the tide on piracy and futureproof their offering in an increasingly saturated marketplace.

[编者注:这是来自 OpSec安全. 流媒体 accepts bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]