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E通风口和直播已经交织在一起. Event companies are successfully pivoting from in-person expos to virtual gatherings, 制作远远超出了Zoom呼叫.

随着它们的重要性和复杂性的增长, 在线事件的一个显著演变是标题的增加. Event specialists understand that making virtual events ADA (Americans with Disabilities) compliant 现在在他们的产品中是什么. Live streaming is taking on the look and feel of professional broadcasting, and clients are asking virtual event producers for closed captioning early in the planning process.


Two solutions from EEG Video are emerging as essential tools to ensure quality closed captioning for virtual events: 猎鹰直播编码器 and 莱西自动字幕服务. Together, they form a suite that makes it easy and affordable to include closed captions and ensure online event accessibility for the hearing impaired.

一个完全虚拟的web服务托管在EEG云, Falcon takes the place of traditional hardware caption encoders for direct-to-web live streaming workflows. Event producers can pair Falcon with their choice of EEG’s Lexi or a professional human captioner. The program audio reference is used to generate and return closed captions into the live stream in real-time.



With many virtual events today calling for dozens of cues and ambitious visuals, the ease of inserting Falcon into the live stream has made it a go-to captioning solution for content producers. 它们还受益于灵活的部署选项, with Falcon’s ability to make live streams accessible on all major platforms including Facebook Live, YouTube Live Events, Wowza, Twitch, LiveStream, VBrick, IBM Watson Media, and more.

Falcon与EEG的ai驱动的Lexi形成了最佳的基于ip的工作流程. 其英语翻译准确率超过95%, Spanish, 以及许多常见媒体类型的法语, Lexi is optimal for improving compliance and accessibility on currently uncovered material. 比人类的手铐更便宜, Lexi can be set up to automatically caption content at a moment’s notice. Lexi also provides flexibility with the ability to switch to a human captioner if needed, as well as its easy integration with many other EEG captioning solutions.



准确性是衡量字幕质量的重要标准. Lexi’s breakthrough Topic Models feature boosts its captioning accuracy even further by enabling it to recognize topics, 让自己沉浸在独特的词汇中, and observe context through the absorption of relevant web data unique to each implementation. 主题模型和新的人工智能驱动 Core Models feature, Lexi performs in real-time with a higher degree of accuracy than previous speech-to-text systems.

通过虚拟活动能够接触到真正的全球观众, 生产者可以在更多的地方使用 iCap Translate. A feature of Lexi, this tool translates captions and subtitles to and from eight major languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Danish, and Maori. iCap Translate can work from source captions in any of these languages created by a monolingual expert stenographer, 莱西语音转短信的直播工作, 或者从先前录制的和嵌入的字幕轨道.

iCap Translate

iCap Translate

猎鹰,莱克西,和iCap翻译组成综合 EEG Cloud 字幕解决方案套件. Together, they create a complete set of live streaming-ready cloud captioning services with one-signup access that are easy to use and seamlessly integrated.


Together, Falcon and Lexi from EEG have helped virtual event producers and their clients to ensure that their content is ADA accessible for the hearing impaired, 不会遇到具有挑战性的设置或陡峭的学习曲线.

At the same time, virtual events have become a cornerstone of communication for a fast-expanding field of content producers. 除了贸易展览和其他在线博览会, live streaming virtual events have become strategically important for multiple sectors, 包括流媒体, government, corporate, and education.

The common thread among these markets is that captioning is a must for ADA compliance, 无论观众是亲自体验还是在线体验. 对于许多流媒体内容生产商来说, EEG Falcon has emerged as the captioning fast track for direct-to-web live streaming. 在一个典型的工作流中, 视频是通过云托管的猎鹰编码器发送的, 直接交给Lexi或人类提供字幕, 然后分发到所选的直播平台上.

Audiences experience high-accuracy captioning delivered in real-time as a result of this easy process. The complexity and cost of live streaming captioning has been significantly reduced as a result of these refinements, which is a welcome development since the pressure is increasing for virtual events and gatherings to meet ADA requirements for accessibility.

For example, 政府/市政managers-city, county, state, 联邦政府现在知道,不更新可访问性是代价高昂的. ADA合规诉讼 正在稳步增长 with 140+ lawsuits filed against municipalities since 2011 for accessibility non-compliance. 仅在2018年,联邦层面的法律诉讼就有2258起. A $75,000 fine can be levied in these cases for a first infraction and can escalate to $150,额外的违规行为. Coronavirus’ impact on municipal meetings and their rapid adoption of live streaming video has made ADA compliance all the more urgent.


当使用视频格式吸引观众时, quality closed captioning is essential to ensure accessibility for the hearing impaired. 难怪广大观众都想参与其中, 因为视频是教育中越来越重要的组成部分.

According to recent studies, the emergence of e-learning as a safe alternative for continuing education is coming on fast. 全球电子学习市场的规模可能达到336美元.到2026年将达到980亿美元.S. 仅这一项就可以占到6美元.22 billion by 2022. 在线招聘活动和直播课程无处不在. Educators are incorporating learning experience platforms and learning management systems into their plans, 其中很多都利用了人工智能.

Video, 凭借其参与和整合无数内容格式的能力, has become the preferred e-learning medium and is now vital to online education. However, applying the deep capabilities of video also comes with the responsibility to present it in compliance with ADA standards for accessibility.

使视频易于访问 听力受损的学生 需要封闭字幕. 在线教育正在扩张, and e-learning providers must caption fast-growing assets including live streaming classes, recorded lessons, 后期制作的讲座和研讨会, and more.

Easy and cost-effective captioning is key to scaling streaming video production of all kinds. 像EEG的Falcon这样的解决方案, Lexi, and iCap Translate help live streaming events to keep growing their reach.

About EEG Video

When you see closed captions on television or the web, chances are EEGc 视频技术在幕后. 我们业界领先的软件产品线 and encoding equipment powers transcription applications in streaming media, broadcasting, post-production, and more. Visit eegent.com 探索我们的自动化和人力解决方案.


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