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Tutorial: Removing Video Noise with the Neat Video Plug-in

In this tutorial, Jan Ozer演示了如何使用Neat Video插件从视频中去除噪声, improving output quality for all outputs.

在本教程中,我将演示如何使用Neat Video插件从视频中删除噪点, improving output quality for all outputs.

Shooting in low-light conditions is a reality for most of us. 几周前,我在当地一家孵化器拍摄了民主党国会候选人安东尼·弗拉卡文托的演讲, and as you can see in Figure 1 (below) 在上面的视频中,背景中有很多噪音,甚至在候选人的脸上也有. 那是因为我必须提高增益以获得适当的曝光.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Figure 1. 请注意视频中的背景噪音和主题的脸在这个剪辑.

Applying the Neat Video Filter

Fortunately, gain-related noise—which is very common, 而我们现在要解决的问题,正是Neat Video滤镜的设计初衷. By way of background, the filter, which you can find by Googling "Neat Video filter," starts at about $50. It supports popular pro NLEs like Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro (including FCP X), and Vegas (as well as Adobe After Effects).

购买并安装了所选NLE的插件之后, 将它应用于剪辑,就像您将任何其他包含或安装的过滤器一样. Figure 2 (below) shows how it's selected in Premiere Pro CS6.

Neat Video

Figure 2. 选择整洁的视频过滤器,并将其应用于噪声剪辑.

Creating a Noise Profile

Then you click the Settings button (Figure 3, below), which brings up a full-screen view.

Neat Video

Figure 3. Clicking the Settings button.

如果你曾经处理过视频,并为其创建了个人资料, click the Load Profile button (Figure 4, below) to load the profile. 当你有很多剪辑有相同的噪音问题, 保存一个配置文件-与音频噪声一样-允许您保存并稍后重新加载来自可比剪辑的噪声文件.

Neat Video

Figure 4. The Load Profile button

If it's the first time you've worked with a particular video, 而是单击Auto Profile(在图4中Load Profile按钮的左侧), above). 这告诉Neat Video滤镜扫描图像中平坦且细节较少的区域, 因此,在这个区域很容易判断它检测到的帧之间的变化是否是噪声, or true motion in the frame. In the section of the frame shown in Figure 5 (below), there's no true motion, 因此,所有的运动都与滤波器试图消除的噪声有关.

Neat Video

Figure 5. 蓝色方块标识了帧中没有真实运动的部分,以识别和隔离视频噪声.

在右边,你会看到剪辑的设备噪声配置文件设置(Figure 6, below). Here it's key to make sure that the quality setting is over 60, 这意味着过滤器找到了一个能够准确区分噪音和运动的区域.

Neat Video

Figure 6. Device Noise Profile settings

如果你在视频中没有一个平坦的区域,如果你所有的视频看起来都像图片中突出显示的部分 Figure 7 (below)—然后你必须手动设置一些原始的噪音相关设置. We'll look at how to do that a bit later.

Neat Video

Figure 7. 视频的一部分不够平坦,无法用于自动分析

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