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Sports Video

NiTRo’s M-CUBE Studio Levels Up Esports Productions with AJA Gear

电子竞技的迅速普及可以归因于许多因素, 从提高现代游戏体验质量的技术进步到流媒体平台的激增, which have paved the way to an era of global esports
Featured News, Posted 24 Apr 2024

The End of NDI As We Know It?

NDI冒着在20码线上丢球的风险,浪费了他们在IP视频领域近十年的领先优势,因为他们没有强制授权商整合所有标准. 我写这篇文章是希望他们重新确立NDI标准的意义:即授权NDI, and display the NDI badge, a product must be 100% compatible.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Feb 2024

Video Review: OBSBOT Tail Air AI-Powered PTZ Streaming Camera

如果你正在寻找一个紧凑的PTZ摄像机系统为一个小型的表演舞台, conference room, podcast table, demonstration kitchen, instruction classroom, 或者任意数量的设置,使相机可以靠近拍摄对象, 您将真正受益于手动更改镜头或杠杆自动跟踪的能力, the OBSBOT Tail Air is custom-tailored to your needs.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Jan 2024

Video Review: Magewell Director Mini

Magewell's new Director Mini is a mini marvel. This 5.5" "all-in-one" production tool with a $1,299街价可以混合多种输入,做画中画图形, audio mixing, recording, streaming, and more, as IEBA's Anthony Burokas explains in this in-depth review.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Dec 2023

How Cloud Workflows Enhance Streaming Scalability

支持流媒体生产商向云迁移的一个流行论点是可扩展性的经济性. CBS Sports' Corey Smith, Intellivid Research's Steve Vonder Haar, 和丹麦TV2的洛克·杜邦讨论了迁移到云流工作流程的主要好处,这段视频来自他们在流媒体连接2023的小组讨论.
Featured Articles, Posted 13 Dec 2023

State of Streaming Autumn 2023 Survey Report Launches

最新版本的年度报告详述了“痛点”和增长模式, available for download now.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Nov 2023

Studio Technologies增强了南卫理公会大学的广播音频

Featured News, Posted 27 Sep 2023

Take Streaming Media's Live Streaming Technology Trends Survey

New survey launches today covering live event market
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Aug 2023


The National Championship Air Races Final Chapter in Reno - Tahoe
Featured News, Posted 26 Jul 2023

Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro to Host, MC, and Moderate Streaming Media Connect Virtual Event, August 22-24

Streaming Media has announced that Evan Shapiro, 自诩为“媒体制图师”,数据呈现精辟, analysis, 评论正在描绘流媒体行业和整个娱乐行业的未来, 签约成为下一届流媒体连接虚拟活动的主持人和主持人, which runs August 22-24.
Featured News, Posted 19 Jul 2023

Kiloview Powered the Live-Stream of Formula X Racing Weekend

Kiloview与Formula X Racing Weekend合作,为户外赛事提供全面的基于ip的视频直播解决方案. 利用他们的P系列4G蜂窝绑定视频编码器和MG300媒体网关, Kiloview enabled ultra-low latency streaming
Featured News, Posted 05 Jul 2023

Sky Racing Hits the Exacta with Providius’ NVRT & BMG

Providius NVRT和BMG软件成为Sky Racing高影响力现场生产IP设施的必要条件.
Featured News, Posted 05 Jul 2023

Ai-Media's Matthew Mello Talks the Evolution of AI Captioning

AI -Media的马修·梅洛(Matthew Mello)在流媒体东2023的独家采访中与蒂姆·西格林(Tim Siglin)讨论了人工智能字幕的演变.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Jun 2023

通过Alfalite LED面板,Cabal Esports提升了游戏活动的虚拟生产

制作公司收购的解决方案刚刚获得了“声音”的“最佳节目”奖 & Video Contractor" at InfoComm 2023
Featured News, Posted 28 Jun 2023


任何流工作流程的强度取决于其最弱(或最少测试)的链接. The more massive the stream, unfortunately, the larg­er the opportunity and the smaller the margin for error. So, 专家们对维持朝九晚五的正常运行时间和广播质量的架构需求和挑战有何看法? And what solutions do they recommend?
Featured Articles, Posted 24 May 2023

First Look: New Canon PTZ Cameras & Cinema Lenses

在NAB 2023的采访中,富兰克林创意媒体的马克·富兰克林与两位佳能技术代表谈论了他们新的PTZ相机创新和电影镜头.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 May 2023

vMix的Tim Vandenberg在NAB 2023上谈论NVIDIA GPU解锁,SRT和vMix 26

vMix运营经理Tim Vandenberg和流媒体的Shawn Lam讨论了通过GPU解锁的多流编码, SRT output, 新的混合效果和更多的vMix 26和更多的vMix展位在NAB 2023.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Apr 2023

Take Streaming Media's Spring 2023 State of Streaming Survey

The teams at StreamingMedia.com和Help Me流媒体研究基金会在春季发布了2023年春季版的流媒体现状调查. 这项调查是我们每年两次对整个流媒体行业的调查. 今天接受调查,帮助我们了解流媒体行业在过去六个月里发生了怎样的变化.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Mar 2023

NEP芬兰转换乐透和欧洲头奖广播与NetOn.Live LiveOS Production Platform

NEP Finland has chosen NetOn.Live的LiveOS制作平台为Veikkaus制作乐透和欧洲头奖广播
Featured News, Posted 29 Mar 2023

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